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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thing # 18 - Online Productivity Tools

I was very excited about learning about OpenOffice.org and Google Doc. I love the MicroSoft Office 2003 Professional and feel like the OpenOffice.org will be a fantastic feature. How will I ever find out when I can't even download the blasted program. I tried several times and keep getting the following message:

The Installation Wizard cannot be run properly because you are logged in as a user with out sufficient administrator right for this system.

I went through the tutorial on Google Docs and feel this will work well. Unfortunately, I feel like a traitor liking Google and giving up on OpenOffice.org

I can see where these online productivity tools will be a huge benefit to use. Everybody will be on the same page and not having to worry about software issues on not being compatible

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hi Kristy! I worked through the 25 Things Prof. Develop. prior to March and thought that Google Docs was one of the best "things" I learned. I have been able to use a spreadsheet doc for sharing info. at work.

I am looking forward to a Part 2 to the 25 Things.


Andrea (A+ Recipes)