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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thing #23 - The End

1. My favorite exercise on this Library2Play was learning about the wonders of Goggle. I had no idea it offered all of the options that it did!

2. This program has made a difference in my lifelong learning experience. I realize how Blogs have become an important part of today's life. It is just going to take additional time to enjoy using them.

3. I enjoy creating neat neat stuff using the online generators.

4. For me, it would be easier if the steps were bulleted or numbered so they could be followed more easily. It has been very frustrating trying to put a podcast online and I still don't understand! I am having problems going back and trying to figure out what I need to do next.

5. Yes, I would choose to participate in future programs like this.

6. Reading instructions CAREFULLY will help you be successful! (We need to practice what we preach when we tell our students to read the directions!)

7. I have enjoyed looking and commenting on other Blogs.

Thing # 22 Nings

I think Nings could be a good site to use for two of my classes. I went to the Nings for Teachers and it took me a while to key in words into the search engine to find information. For the Financial Management class that I am teaching, I wanted to find out on ways to teach compounding interest. It took about 20 minutes, but I did find an awesome website to use called MoneyInstructor.com. It does have information that the students can use.

In regards to BCIS, it would be neat if all of the teachers using the AES Curriculum to create a Ning and use this as a method to communicate different ideas for the Microsoft Office 2007 Package.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thing #21 - Podcasts

Information Overload! I am most impressed with all of the information age gurus out there really enjoy learning. These unique people have the time, talent, patience and determination to create a podcasts. I kept putting this thing off and realized I was running out of time. Unfortunately, I do not fall in the category of liking to create podcasts, but here is my feeble attempt.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Thing # 20 - Explore YouTube and Teacher Tube

It is wonderful that as a teacher we have access to so many videos! It is even more exciting that we have a site called Teachertube.com that will actually show up in our classrooms in SBISD. This video is one that we saw in a teacher inservice that has a lot of interesting information.

Thing # 19 - Web 2.0 Awards List

  • This Awards Lists will give me the chance to narrow down the sites that would possibly have the information that I am looking for.

  • This feature will work well in libraries since it is a perfect way to search for topics and information. The only problem is trying to find which which category you need to look in when searching for information.

  • The Web 2.0 Awards List will be used in my classes when the students are looking current events about various topics. They will be able to do the seaching and have more ownership on the subjects instead of me telling them what they have to do!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thing # 18 - Online Productivity Tools

I was very excited about learning about OpenOffice.org and Google Doc. I love the MicroSoft Office 2003 Professional and feel like the OpenOffice.org will be a fantastic feature. How will I ever find out when I can't even download the blasted program. I tried several times and keep getting the following message:

The Installation Wizard cannot be run properly because you are logged in as a user with out sufficient administrator right for this system.

I went through the tutorial on Google Docs and feel this will work well. Unfortunately, I feel like a traitor liking Google and giving up on OpenOffice.org

I can see where these online productivity tools will be a huge benefit to use. Everybody will be on the same page and not having to worry about software issues on not being compatible

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thing #17 Rollyo

Rollyo is a great feature to use. I realized the more specific I could be on what I wanted to find, the better luck I had with my searches.

Thing # 16 - Learn About Wikis

This WIKI business is fascinating! I understand the concept, made a comment on the SBISD library WIKI site and know that I will have my students use this in school next year.

This will be an excellent tool for students competing in Business Professionals of America on team projects. Since it is so hard for them to meet after school due to crazy schedules, they can work on WIKI to get their basic ideas formulated, a rough draft completed and work on a final product. I can't wait to see how it works out!

Also, I think that a SBISD WIKI on technology should be created. How many times have you had a question regarding your computer, printer or projection device and needed to know how to solve a problem asap and no one pesonally answers the GEEK phone? If there was a SBISD Technolgy WIKI site, we could ask someone if they hadthe same problem and did they have a solution. Just a thought . . . .

Please note, I think our GEEK squad is AWESOME, just understaffed and overworked

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Thing #15 - Web 2.0, etc

These articles were very interesting to me regarding the future of libraries and I am going to make my husband read them as well. SBISD is in such an exciting time with having the opportunity to take advantage of deisgning libraries at 12 of the elementary schools that are being built.

The video addresses college students, however the issues are important for kids of all ages including elementary kids. Hopefully the concerns outlined in the articles will be addressed and will help in designing the new libraries. Recently TEA published recommendations on the amount of books that should be in the library for elementary, middle and high school levels. TEA also gave recommendtions on the amount of computers needed. I feel SBISD should increase the total number of computers in the libraries and make sure they have an area where there is enough seating for students, teachers and parents to view presentations.

Thing # 14 -- Explore Technorati

  • I explore Technorati and tried to set up an account and was not successful. Will try later. I did search for the key phrase in several areas and did come up with different results!
  • The tags are beneficial and now understand the importance of them.
  • Technorati could assist me in helping to find out current and up-to-date articles for various Financial Manaagement topics.